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Small Ducts & Rooftop Units

GF Series

Thermal Dispersion Airflow & Temperature Measurement with Optional Relative Humidity

The GreenTrol GF Series offers a versatile range of high-performance airflow and temperature measurement solutions tailored for small ducts, rooftop units, and outdoor air intakes. These devices deliver precision, flexibility, and reliability to optimize ventilation, improve indoor air quality, and enhance energy efficiency.

The GF Series features analog and RS-485 BACnet/Modbus transmitters and probes designed for various applications. Using integrated thermal dispersion technology, the series ensures accurate airflow and temperature measurements across round ducts and other air paths. Models like the GF-A2000 and GF-N3000 include advanced transmitter modules that support multiple probes, provide airflow alarms, and seamlessly integrate with building automation systems.

Model Suffixes:

  • -DI: Duct insertion for round ducts

  • -UI: Universal insertion for square ducts, adjustable to various lengths

  • -US: Universal standoff for outdoor air hoods

Whether used as standalone devices or integrated into a building automation system, the GF Series offers unmatched performance and adaptability, making it the ideal solution for airflow and temperature measurement in smaller systems and rooftop units.


Measurement/ Applications

Probe Sizes



Airflow, Temperature
OA Hoods

6", 8", 16"

Dual Analog Outputs

Airflow, Temperature
Square Ducts

6", 8", 16"

Dual Analog Outputs

Airflow, Temperature Round Ducts

4" to 16"

Dual Analog Outputs

Airflow, Temperature
Round Ducts

4" to 16"

Single Analog Output

Airflow, Temperature Round Ducts

4" to 16"

Dual Analog Outputs

Airflow, Temperature Round Ducts

4" to 16"

BACnet or Modbus

Airflow, Temperature OA Hoods

6", 8", 16"

BACnet or Modbus

Airflow, Temperature Square Ducts

6", 8", 16"

BACnet or Modbus

Airflow, Temperature Round Ducts

4" to 16"

BACnet or Modbus

CO2 Measurement Duct Mounted

4" to 16"

Compatible with GreenTrol Controllers

BACnet or Modbus