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Small Ducts & Rooftop Units

Thermal Dispersion Airflow and Temperature Measurement Solutions with an Optional Integral Humidity Sensor

GreenTrol airflow measurement solutions have temperature and alarm capability for ducts between 4 and 16 inches in diameter, with or without a remote display. They are ideal for small ducts and volumetric airflow tracking applications.

The GF Series use the principal of thermal dispersion to determine the airflow rate. Thermal dispersion is ideal for HVAC applications that typically require measurement of low air velocities. 

Each sensing node uses two thermistors to determine airflow. One thermistor is self-heated above ambient while a second thermistor determines the ambient air temperature. The power dissipated into the airstream is directly related to the airflow rate. 


Airflow & Temperature Measurement

Product Name


Duct Sizes




OA Hoods

6", 8", 16" Probes

Dual Analog Outputs

Remote Transmitter with Alarm


Square Ducts

6", 8", 16" Probes

Dual Analog Outputs

Remote Transmitter with Alarm


4-16" Round Ducts

4-16" Round Ducts

Dual Analog Outputs

Remote Transmitter with Alarm

4-16" Round Ducts

4-16" Round Ducts

Single Analog Output

Integrated Transmitter

4-16" Round Ducts

4-16" Round Ducts

Dual Analog Outputs

Integrated Transmitted


4-16" Round Ducts

4-16" Round Ducts

BACnet or Modbus

Remote Transmitter with Alarm​


OA Hoods

6", 8", 16" Probes

BACnet or Modbus

Remote Transmitter with Alarm​


Square Ducts

6", 8", 16" Probes

BACnet or Modbus

Remote Transmitter with Alarm​

4-16" Round Ducts

4-16" Round Ducts

BACnet or Modbus

Integrated Transmitter

CO2 Measurement

Product Name


Duct Sizes



Duct Mounted

4-16" Round Ducts

BACnet or Modbus