Green Flow Series
Airflow | Temperature Measurement Solutions
The GF Series use the principal of thermal dispersion to determine the airflow rate. Thermal dispersion is ideal for HVAC applications that typically require measurement of low air velocities.
Green Alert Series
Remote Displays, Alarms and Network Bridges
The GA Series converts sensor signals to visual displays, notification alarms and/or provides a bridge between analog and network devices.
EMOAC Series
Minimum Outdoor Airflow Controller Modules for Systems with an Airside Economizer
The EMOAC controller modulate the control signal to a proportional analog outdoor/return air damper actuator to maintain the minimum ventilation rate required whenever the economizer controller (by others) is in minimum outdoor air mode.
OAC Series
Outdoor Airflow Controller for Systems without an Airside Economizer
OAC controllers are perfect for rooftop air handlers or air handlers with ducted outdoor air intakes when an airside economizer is not installed. Controllers are also ideal for ducted outdoor air intakes to fan coils, DOAS and makeup air systems.
Green Sense Series
Co2 Measurement and Control Solutions
GreenTrol CO2 sensors are available in wall and duct mount models, with some models having additional sensing capability.
Green Count Series
Occupancy Counters
The GC Series occupancy counters are designed for population-based demand control ventilation (DCV) so that only the outdoor air required for acceptable indoor air quality is provided.
Greentrol Automation has been manufacturing application specifi c controllers since 2009. An
integral thermal dispersion airfl ow measurement device saves energy and improves DCV control.
Easy to confi gure and low cost. Compatible with analog and RS-485 BACnet MS/TP CO2 sensors
or occupancy counting devices. Stand-alone operation or connect to an RS-485 BACnet MS/TP
building automation system. Supports the following DCV methods:
Occupant health, well-being and productivity are directly related to indoor air quality (IAQ).
Outdoor air is expensive to condition. Save energy by controlling outdoor air ventilation rates.
Unacceptable IAQ can cause respiratory illness that increases designer and owner liability.
Sensors are important monitoring & alarming tools for early detection of system faults.